Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!

That's my motto this week, do as much advertising of my products and the Civic Homespun Market as I can possibly manage to get my name out there!

I have been pounding the pavement this morning delivering flyers, and I now have great respect for those people who deliver catalogues etc for a living, I've only been going for half a day and I'm already exhausted. Oh well, you can't expect to start a business without some hard work.

My little boy Jacob has been very patient being pushed up and down streets and driveways in his pram while I deliver the flyers. Thankfully I wasn't trying to do this 6 months ago when a trip in the pram meant constant screaming!

I've pinned flyers up on noticeboards, a few more to go before I'm finished, and am organising an add in the Examiner for Saturday so if this doesn't work nothing will! Hopefully it will work so I can convince my husband that he needs to look after Jacob every Saturday while I'm at the market.

Meanwhile I'm also trying to plan a 1st birthday party, I've still got a week so it should be fine, if I survive all the walking.

Wish me luck :)

1 comment:

  1. hi nicole!
    i've finally updated my blog and put a link to yours.
    thanks so much for all the extra advertising. hopefully all of the stallholders and myself working together can create a huge buzz in this town.
    my husband very reluctantly took up the saturday 'babysitting' job!! he really enjoys his day with harriet now and it isn't so much of a chore. it took a while ;)
